Internal Arts Instruction
What is YOKI™?
Yoki is a synergy of yoga, breathing, meditation, chi kung, health balancing, and martial arts principles.
Our new comprehensive courses in this system cover each of the seven chakras of the body and can be completed entirely at home through a series of in-depth training videos. You can also supplement your practice with live-streaming lessons with an instructor.
Each course is designed to rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit. They will enhance your health, flexibility, range of motion and mental well-being. Jumpstart your training in this new art with five online private lessons for only $175.
For in-person instruction, call 360-461-5295 or email Kyoshi Kasi.
Yoki Home Training Courses
Course #1 - Root Chakra
Basic stance transitions Root Yoga postures Yoki One Flow Routine Intro to Sitting Meditation Student training manual.
Available Now!
Course #2 - Sacral Chakra
Coming Soon
Course #3 - Solar Plexus Chakra
Coming Soon
Course #4 - Heart Chakra
Coming Soon
Course #5 - Throat Chakra
Coming Soon
Course #6 - Third Eye Chakra
Coming Soon
Course #7 - Crown Chakra
Coming Soon