Legacy Series
This new groundbreaking video set will focus on the “Old Fighting Art” of the Naihanchi Kata Intensive series. These combat forms will be demonstrated in modern close in fighting applications. For serious students only, this course will teach the violent techniques that were the original intent of these kata against one or multiple opponents, with an entire volume dedicated to real self defense for women against sexual assault. Not for the squemish but geared to students who will do whatever it takes to inflict damage against attackers and protect themselves for harm.
Naihanchi Intensive Training Course
Naihanchi Intensive Training Course
This course is designed to provide immersive training in the most important katas in Okinawan Karate: Naihanchi Shodan, Naihanchi Nidan, Niahanchi Sandan. The name of these forms can be loosely translated as “Inside the Clan” fighting.
Renowned sensei in Okinawa such as Choki Motobu, Chojin Miyagi, Anko Itosu; valued this as the most important kata and would practice this kata upwards of 500 times a day!
Naihanchi kata are the foundation for of all close in fighting techniques which include nerve strikes, disabling kicks, chokes, throws, and grappling.
This course is for serious practitioners of the martial arts who want to develop the full potential of these fighting kata. If you are still performing Naihanchi step-by-step like a beginner after years of training, you need this course!
“All Okinawan karate begins and ends with Naihanchi”

About The Course
A three-volume video set demonstrating ALL THREE Naihanchi kata performed by Hanshi and Kyoshi Vellucci, highlighting the key combat applications.
A 65-page eBook consisting of 200+ color photographs that teach the forms STEP by STEP with detailed explanations of each movement.
A Certificate of Completion stating you are qualified to teach these forms in their original versions to carry on the lineage of Matsumura family karate.
Video Descriptions
Volume I
Learn the kata via mirror image- following along with the video.
Explore angles of attack, timing changes and the grouping of techniques.
Study how to generate explosive power when executing the kata at full combat speed.
Volume II
Learn the powerful offensive strategy of Naihanchi kata.
Combat applications against realistic street attacks. No contrived techniques, instead; learn how to violently disable an opponent encounter in actual fighting.
Use Naihanchi against one or multiple opponents, and in confined spaces.
Supplement the use of impact weapon techniques while using the Naihanchi strikes.
Volume III
See Naihanchi performed from the women’s point of view.
Kyoshi Kasi demonstrates nerve striking and pressure point attacks for close in self-defense.
Defending against grabs, the most common attack used in sexual assaults.
Learn ground fighting and rape prevention for women against a determined attacker.

What Students Are Saying
Buy this groundbreaking course and experience the combat power of Naihanchi like never before! Special Introductory price:

About Kobukan Karate Federation
Discover the rich history and philosophy of Kobukan Karate Federation, a distinguished martial arts federation specializing in traditional Okinawan White Crane and practical self-defense.
Learn more about our lineage, training methods, and how you can get involved with Crane Karate today.